logo theM Media web design & branding

Vancouver web design

Web design is part of our daily life. There is no place in the modern world where website is not existent. Every small business has one and if doesn't, it is out of the game.

Website designers & developers has been creating standards, programming languages and norms to achieve what is called the Web 2. Web 2 is a new approach to design. Web developer focusing only on web programming will deliver only one third of the given website functionality. In sort website needs to include:

  • open source
  • blog
  • social media sites
  • web video
  • content management systems
  • improved CSS coding

Vancouver breads many talented companies that contribute to the broad web spectrum.

When planning a website one needs to choose a designer and/or developer who will be able to understand the modern design norms and implications, to achieve the effective web site that will involve visitors and bring money to the business. Such is a perfect web model for a successful small business, followed in Vancouver web design field.

604 992 2702
831 824 8005

Vancouver web design company  

Vancouver Web Design


mobile website Development

On this page:


Order Website Now by Vancouver Web Designers


mobile web design

With a small budget you can own mobile website. With a growing mobile search and business transactions mobile website is a must for the progressive business.

How does it work

We install specialized codes in our website that will automatically switch your desktop website to a mobile website we have designed for you. The smart phone user will not even see your original website but will instantly see your mobile one when he finds your business while browsing.

How much it cost

The website for smart phones must be simple max 5 pages. Mobile users do not want to read a lot but are looking for a quick contact to a business they like. This kind of website will cost $400. It will be an abbreviated version of your website, simple to navigate and slick looking. Please call now 604-992-2702 or email us at .

Design & internet marketing

Please consider these three scenarios and their benefits


web marketing 1

web marketing 2

website design SEO optimization SEO ranking
Visual & functional Optimized Ranked to top 10
Includes: visual design, coding, programming Includes: copy writing, keyword search, keyword analytics, google business map & address, setting up google analytics account Includes: inbound links building, reporting, code & content manipulation
Objective: easy navigation & use of the website, compelling design, clean website coding & website structure for easy future updating Objective: preparing pages for the best Google indexing, provide best detailed information about the pages for Google indexing Objective: positioning the website on first page of Google for the selected term or keyword phrase
Fee: $110 - $150 / page * Fee: $130 / page * Fee: $120 / month x 12 months - local ranking *
Fee: $350 / month x 12 months - national ranking *

* NOTE: prices are approximate and may change slightly as per individual project


Web design & web marketing are siblings

How to optimize website for first page of google?

Benefits of SEO process:

  1. Improves sales & traffic to your attractive website
  2. Improves your marketing strategies
  3. Provides permanent results for a one time fee as opposed to paid ads
  4. Both SEO and design branding create business awareness
  5. Well designed site makes people come back.

Choosing a professional web designer

While reading pages on this website you may realize that having your website designed by a professional web designer will return your investments exponentially. Choosing the right web designer can save you money by avoiding wasted time and unsatisfactory results.

Your site represents YOU, so do not compromise on quality. There are several things you need to consider when choosing a web designer:

  1. A web designer's web portfolio should show at least 10 websites you like. From there you will be able to see his design style and skill level.
  2. A web designer's experience. You need to determine if they have produced websites similar to what are looking for, how many years they have been in business and what training/education they have. There are talented self-taught web designers, but you are taking some risks, since their abilities are not certified and they have no ethical/legal accountability, since they are not recognized by any professional body. Formal training and industry recognition guarantees you consistent quality and ethical practice from initial contact to final delivery. Generally, a minimum of 5 years experience is desirable.
  3. A web designer's ability to communicate clearly and understand what you are saying. Conducting a phone conversation or face-to-face talk about your project will give you an indication of whether or not you are comfortable working with them.
  4. A web designer should be able to bend to your ideas, yet make intelligent suggestions to improve your site’s content and design.
  5. A web designer should have genuine testimonials on his/her website! This can easily be determined by going to their websites and reading the footnotes by the webmaster. You should be able to contact them using those footnotes. If the contact is not available, you have reason to doubt that the testimonial is genuine.



Web design fees

Web designers may charge as low as $20/hour for starters, $60-$90/hour for a small business or freelance and $200/hour or more for a large web design firm. It all depends on their experience, overhead, the technology involved and the quality of service. Why so much? The hourly fee reflects the administrative costs, office expenses, marketing/advertising, on-going learning/research among many other things. The amount quoted should sound realistic.

Our Web Design & Web Development Fees ⟩

TheMMedia charges $65 an hour.

Item Hours Price
Basic Website ( 5 pages, template based) 7-10 $455-$650
Unique Website (5 pages template based with distinct pages look) 10-13 $650-845
One page (css, php &/or html coding, layout design, image search) 1.5 $97
Additional page ~1 <$65
Mobile and tablet site 8 $520
Photo gallery (up to 50 photos) 4 $260
Logo conceptualization and drawing based on client's drawings 5 $352
Logo conceptualization & drawing based on our suggestions and development process. Two versions and five previews on chosen concept. 10 $650




Surrey web design

Sample webSites

Client's WebsiteTechnology Used Preview
Inner Light Wellness
Wellness practitionare, yoga instructor, reiki master, healer
php, wordpress, responsive design, SEO wellness in vancouver
Licensed Counsellor and Coach in Kelowna, BC
wordpress, design, php, design beryls counselling in kelowna
Vidya Fusion
Musician, guitarist, inventor, sitar-guitar
html5, css, design, responsive vidys fusion website about meditation   music
Veda Vita
Yoga art center in Rome - education
wordpress, logo design, layout dedsign veda vita - yoga art studio

Kootenai Moving
Moving compnay

wordpress, photoshop, css, php kootenai moving website
Essential Posture
Vancouver Chiropractic & Wellness Centre
php. css, SEO, flash Essential Posture website
Springridge Construction wordpress, php, jQuery, css, Photoshop, SEO web design in Maple Ridge
Heberger Poland
php, css, Photoshop, html, jQuery, SEO heberger website design and seo
Afro Asia Inc. php, css, photoshop, flash Afro Asia Inc. website design Vancouver
Got Dirt Ltd. html, ssi, css, java script, php, SEO, photoshop, illustrator website design & seo for Got Dirt Ltd
Grouse Greek Motel SEO Surrey Grouse Creek Motel near Vancouver
Prete Design flash web design, photoshop, 3d studio max, garage band Web Design for Prete Interior  Design
BertilDrums.com html, java script, css, illustrator, photoshop website design for BertilDrums.com



Design Process

The design process for a professional website is shown on the diagram below.

vancouver web design process diagram

  1. The web design process begins by collecting content information from a client. Here the copy writing takes importance as it is central to the intellectual setting of the whole web experience. At this stage, the text will also be looked at from a marketing perspective and optimized/edited in a way to suit the Google algorithm for best ranking.
  2. Then the text fills the pages, being supported by graphics, pictures, video, flash presentation, 3D graphics and other multimedia design elements.
  3. Here the coding and programming will be implemented to build navigation and interactivity into your site. This important element is invisible to the website visitor.
  4. After the website creates a harmonious ensemble, it is tested and further optimized for Google algorithm for best ranking. This is coupled with keyword search and meta tags optimization. All this is called Search Engine Optimization, commonly called SEO.
  5. Furthermore all graphics and elements needs to be properly named, described and titled. A site-map has to be generated and text must be organized to best suit the search engines’ readability. Backward links also have to be created.
  6. Additionally PPC (Pay Per Click) and AdWords campaigns are created to further increase traffic on the website.

Whether you as a customer take full advantage of best web designers in Vancouver area depends upon your research.



Choosing a Professional web design

There are verities of website types:

  • commercial
  • informative
  • educational
  • personal
  • fun
  • etc.

Choose a design style and system that best suits your website purpose. Remember that what you personally like in design it may not necessary work for your site’s visitors. Unless you have extensive experience with/knowledge of website usage patterns and functionality, it is better to rely on your web designer's experience and training. Websites should never appear phony or overly unusual. It should conform to the common standard, yet showcase your unique features in ways that generate more interest from the site visitor.

Function dictates design

Once a dentist asked me to design a website with a blooming flower picture, full screen. Although it was A very unusual idea and perhaps attractive, it was nevertheless misleading to the visitors. A good designer will suggests what is best for your design.



CMS (Content Management System)

CMS or Content Management System is very useful in case the customer wants to administer or update some parts or all parts of the website. The simple website with few updates per year will not justify the cost of CMS. CMS cost depends also on the complexities and varieties of functions involved. Please contact us for details or fill out the request form.



What Happens Once Your Website Is Complete?

Your website is perfect and you are happy! But the happiness will last until you discover that no one is visiting it. So we come to the next stage: marketing. Like most other design companies, we take care of e-marketing. This is different from standard marketing which is using physical media of distribution. E-marketing it is based on Search Engine Optimization, which is in fact only one part of the whole marketing procedure.

web design work flow chart

If everyone worked as diligently and communicated as well as you have over the past couple of days with me, there would be no customer complaints, lawsuits or business closures.




Order your Website Now!

Please spend one minute to provide us with some important information. The questions below will help us to better understand what you expect and are looking for in a website.

However, if you find this questionnaire overwhelming, please skip to the contact page and we'll call you.

Personal Information
Your name:
Your email address:
Your telephone number [optional]
How did you hear about us?
Promo code:

Main Questions (all fields are required)

Are we designing or re-designing a website for you?
design: Vancouver Web Design re-design:

What kind of website would you like?
business: Vancouver Web Designpersonal: Vancouver Web Design informative: Vancouver Web Design educational: Vancouver Web Design hybrid:

Will you be selling products on your website ? If so, how many ?
No:   Yes: ...how many:

What is the name of your business / organization ?

What is special about your business?

Describe your target market (their occupation, interests, purchasing habits, etc.)

Who is your target audience?

 kids:      30-40:      seniors:  
 teens:      40-50:     all ages:  
 20-30:      50-60:        

What content do you have ready to go?

images: text: pdf: video: audio: other files:

Preferable colours (please select 1 or 2)

  1. yellows spacer greens spacer blues spacerpurples spacerreds spacerbrowns spacerblack spacerwhite spacer
    other colours
  2. For specific colour scheme please use this colour scheme link. *Note: after finding your preferable colour scheme from the colour scheme link, please click on 'Scheme Info' then 'HTML+CSS' under 'Export,' then highlight and copy the 'Palette URL' link from the popup window. Then paste it in the field below.

Please list some websites and website elements you like.

What is the time frame for the completion of your project?

Additional Questions (all answers are required)

After your website is complete, would you like us to update it or would you prefer to do this yourself? This will require installing Content Management System on your website. (starting at $325)
Self-Management Vancouver Web DesigntheMMedia Vancouver Web DesignNot sure

Would you like to market your website? (starting at $100/month). Your position on Google top 10!
yes Vancouver Web Designno, thanks

Would you like to have new logo that suits your business? (starting at $325) Free with complete order! Ask for details.
yes Vancouver Web Designno, thanks

Would you like to have slide show or image gallery on your website? (starting at $150)
yes Vancouver Web Designno, thanks

Would you like us to build you a Blog matching your website? ( starting at $195) Free with CMS.
yes Vancouver Web Designno, thanks

Do you currently have a domain name?
yes , Vancouver Web DesignI would like to have one ($15/year)

Would you like to host your website with theMMedia? ($15-20/month depending on plan)
yes Vancouver Web Design no, thanks

How many web pages are you thinking of?
2-4 [recommended 5 pages min for Google indexing] (starting at $195)
5-10 (starting at $495)
11-20 (starting at $1095)
more then 20 (starting at $1995)

Create distinct pages, with matching top picture/photo and catchy slogan? (add-on $35/page)
yes Vancouver Web Design no, thanks