We are one of the Vancouver web design companies, serving businesses in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia & neighbouring markets. Since 2005 we have been providing complete custom web design, search engine optimization, graphic design & logo design as well as video services.
Our office is located in Surrey. The focus of TheMMedia is to work with small businesses towards creating a complete and well defined presentation through communication, seo exposure and visual designs aiming in increasing revenues. We are inspired by our clients and the passion for design perfection.
All initial consultation are free. Please visit our web design portfolio or call Walter Matyas at 604.992.2702 to discuss your next project.
— " Tell me your story, I'll draw you an image." - Walter Matyas,
head designer / principal.

The 'M' Media is a legal entity registered under matyasMedia Imaging for Advertisement Services in Surrey British Columbia, business license number 118658, at 29 9955 140th Street, Surrey, BC V3T 4M4.
All content on this website is an intellectual property of matyasMEDIA and the 'M' Media.com. That includes all artworks and copy write materials. Any use without permission will result in legal prosecution.
The 'M' Media payment policy is as follows: 50% before hand and remaining balance at the completion of a project. We work on hourly base at $65 for any design and technical projects. Copy writing is $85 an hour. Web design pricing can be viewed on our web design prices page. For details on specific project please inquire from our contact page.
Every project is proceeded by signing of a legal agreement by both parties. It is understood that the agreement can be broken at any time by either parties in case if:
- customer's expectation are beyond the agreement norms
- customer's initiative.
However this does not include the SEO services that include full year to mature and take effect. If for any reason customer want to discontinue SEO service the termination can take place at least 6 months from the starting date. This however does not guarantee the expected results and The 'M' Media is not responsible for the client's website not showing up on the first page of Goggle.
The 'M' Media is committed to work toward successful completion of the project. The customer is obliged to provide timely and detailed information as required to compete the project. Ideally customer will know the direction of the project and will be able to provide the necessary and helpful feedback.
Customer agrees to place the phrase "Recommended the web design, branding and marketing services of themmedia.com" or similar on his/her own website.
The 'M' Media does not refund for the work that was unfinished due to customer's interruption. Customer pays for the time spent on the project or as estimated in the initial invoice.
The 'M' Media welcomes any valid critics and testimonials.
Thank you for choosing The M Media to be part of your success.